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Leo Horowitz, Utrecht, 2002/06/06 / 2002/08/26 : (Nederlandse versie)

Open dag op 5 oktober

Open day Sat. October 5 , 2002 , 2 - 7++ p.m. at Oudwv65

- Last April I finished my job as computer-programmer, troubleshooter and system-administrator. Now there comes a new phase in my life. To emphasise this new phase I hold an open day at my house. I expect some little advices what to do next ..

- Date: Saturday October 5, 2002 14:00 - ? 19:00 or later, at Oudwijkerveld 65 Utrecht .
- Anyone who knows me and behaves socially is welcome (with max. three guests). No announcing in advance is needed.
- If one cannot come on October 5 - I repeat on a smaller scale Sat. October 26 .

- Here are some more ideas and suggestions:
- 1. One may come whole afternoon but in order that people meet each other I suggest that one tries to be present at the following hours: (14: begin open-middag); 14:30 neighbours and old-inhabitants; 15:00 oud-colleagues; 15:30 members sportclubs etc.; 16:00 members HV and other friends; 17:00 family; .
- 2. One may also come at 14:00 or any moment and stay whole afternoon and possibly evening. We have no plans yet for the evening but there will be always enough snacks (we can get food till 10 o'clock from AH around the corner).
- 3. There is no need but if you want to contribute something material then one may transfer an amount for a good purpose, e.g. for end of occupation of palestinian area on giro 6181625 tnv. SIVMO and inform me by a written note. Or put money in an envelope for conserving the tropical rainforest.

- Route. It is near the Wilhelminapark (townside). Parking will be difficult. Take bus 3 direction Galgenwaard, alight Burg. Reigerstraat. Then you have, left opposite Albert Heyn, the Oudwijkerveld-straat (not to be confused with the oudwijkerdwars-straat).

- Hopely you have a nice hour or day .
- Leo@Horowitz.nl (030 6877365; homepage: http://home.hccnet.nl/leo.horowitz/ - tip: send me your homepage- or email-address) .

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